February 9, 2015
Listen & Learn: Podcasts That Rock

I wanted to make a list and share a lot of the podcasts that I listen to on a regular basis. There’s so much great content out there from great hosts, guests, and so much to learn from others.

“Good people learn a lesson once. Great people learn the lesson from someone else's mistakes."

I especially enjoy podcasts because you get to hear the character and delivery of a message or thought, instead of reading it on a blog post and filling in what you think the voice of that person might be. You can also listen to podcasts faster than real time, which is especially great for catching up or covering a lot of quality content at once but you’re still able to slow down and rewind when you want more time to process the conversation or content.While there are so many podcasts out there, there's plenty of room for more. I love the idea of starting and hosting a podcast. It's great banter, content, and another way to lend a window into your thoughts and approach. You never know who could learn something from your experiences and the journey that's brought you to where you are now.

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't.”- Bill Nye

Here’s a list of my most frequent podcasts that I listen to while working, in commute or working out (read: cardio).


Life Church Green Bay

Pastor Shawn's down to earth & meticulous approach to teaching the Gospel attracted my Wife and I in January 2014. We moved to Hawaii and are still blessed by his perspectives!

Life Hacking, Fitness & Lifestyle

The Tim Ferris

Tim Ferriss, author of 4-Hour Workweek, 4-Hour Body & 4-Hour Chef, interviews and hosts renowned figures from all realms of his interest including Tony Robins, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ed Catmull & Kevin Rose to name a few.

Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is a man of many interests and his interest in Physical, Mental & Spiritual growth is highlighted through his interviews with leaders of all kinds.

Startups, Design, Development & Web


Drew Wilson & Kiernan Flanigan casually talk & interview narwhals about news, technology, and the process behind designing and developing products.


Sean McCabe and his guests take a cerebral and considered approach to commonalities within our industry, tackling them head on and challenging you to think outside of the norms.


Marshall Haas and Jon Wheatley talk about the many products they're building, experiments, and successes along the way. Gain insight into how they build a company that builds many products while keeping design a focus.

Hustle by Funsize

A Husband & Wife co-founded design shop that features prominent guests from our industry talking about design and related things.

Giant Robots

All about running a design & development business to startups, building Companies & Products.


An entertaining podcast that explores raising funding and the other steps of starting a startup without any prior knowledge of the industry.

What are your favorite podcasts? Share them with me on Twitter!